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Eurikaya's biggest challenge to-date (10 borders in 2 weeks)

Invitation in hand for a "cousin's reunion' in Belgium, its time to take on the long exciting trip from Bulgaria to attend.

We settle on a semi circular route, from Bulgaria through Serbia- Hungary- Slovakia, Czechia - Germany - Belgium - France - Austria, back to Hungary and down to Bulgaria through Serbia again. Roughly 3500 kms.

Temperatures in Bulgaria are high, the decision is made to prepare Eurikaya in the mountains where it's ten degrees lower.

The next stop is Belgrade (Serbia) arriving late in the evening we make our way to a park district recommended on the "park4night" App... An awesome spot in the shade which turns out just perfect seeing that Rita is not entirely well for the next day's trip so we stay for an extra night.

In the morning we make our way down to tempo shopping centre (alternative sleep spot) turned out to be very nice as well and comes with the bonus of being along the river bank (Danube)

Budapest turns out to be a surprise, we get there for a treat, its time for the festival which commemorates the role of the horse during the first world war...

These guys take it really seriously.

The main roads are closed and the park where we are stopped is crowded with horses and riders camped for few nights... Its a three day festival, a first for us.

Bratislava (Slovakia) is our next stop. Small but really quaint.

The free city tour is awesome. Parking across the river from the city center works out really well for mobile homes.

A bridge goes across from one side to the other, out with our cycles and off we go.

Men at work and Icon of Bratislava.

Two nights in Bratislava but it requires more... On to Prague (Czechia)...

Prague requires even more than Bratislava, seeing that our time to get to Belgium is running short we confirm a good spot in the city center but it won't be used on this trip.

Next Germany ..... pretty impressive for mobile homes. Free overnight spots with water and toilet dumping facilities in numerous cities and towns. One stop in a the small vilage of .... one in the city of Nuremberg...

The Reign river has amazing spots along side it, which unfortunately we can only enjoy our one lunchtime, then its into Belgium.

​A "must stop" town..... Huy,... the birth town of my parents.

So this is why we came, sleeping over in the garden of one of my cousins....

.... the reunion is a major success with the added bonus of my two remaining Uncles attending, whom we haven't seen for over twenty years.

We spend four nights after the reunion with my uncles in Virton (Belguim).

Homeward bound we decide to aim toward Luxembourg,

on to Southern Germany with a quick shave through Strasbourg (France).

Back north to Ulm, discovering we are in time for the last night of October fest in Munich...

Austria is awesome and even though we spent another two nights along the lakes we will definitely be back... another smaller October fest in Vienna.

Next we slip back into Budapest for one night and another in Belgrade before returning to Bulgaria...

We will need to retrace this trip at a much slower pace.

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